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Watch our launch video with Ed Sheeran in partnership with the Point One Project.

What is Tracy’s Songs?

Created in honor of Winston House’s first sound engineer, Tracy Hill.

Tracy’s Songs is a nonprofit initiative focused on working with artists to raise funds and awareness for mental health organizations.

To kick-off the initiative, we partnered with Ed Sheeran to publish an unreleased performance from Winston House.

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In Loving Memory of Tracy Hill, Winston House’s First Sound Engineer

Read about Tracy’s impact and legacy through the hundreds of artists he recorded at Winston House.

About Our Launch Partners:

Point One Project

Point One Project is a new UK based charity that exists at its core to protect and improve the mental health and wellbeing of the music sector. This will be achieved through a collaborative approach, which will include but not limited to: signposting, treatments, programs, curating the best measurable and impactful tools and products for education, and awareness interventions. POP will support and promote mental health and well-being through the creation, enjoyment, appreciation and understanding of the arts, culture and its heritage.


Call For Help

To speak with someone immediately, contact National Suicide Prevention Lifeline on 1-800-273-8255 (1-800-273-TALK), contact Lifeline Crisis Chat or contact National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) on 800-950-6264 or Text NAMI to 741741.